i have SO many goal, dreams, ambitions, inspirations for 2010, in every aspect on my life. i'm particularly driven in my scrapping and crafting and have set a few big goals to achieve & maintain.
1. 12 on the 12 year-long album
i posted this in the young scrappers thread, an idea i saw in Simple Scrapbooks about 2 years ago. the concept is to take 12 pictures on the 12th day of each month, all 12 months of the year. i love the idea of this! and it will be fun to have an ongoing album to work on once a month. i'm very excited to start next month and hope some of my young scrappers will join me! (*wink*)
2. work on my childhood layouts
i have done a handful of layouts of me as a child over the years (literally like 10, tops) and lately i find myself reminsicing about random things from my childhood i loved ("babysitters club" books, the park behind our old house, "saved by the bell", all my gymnastics training, etc..) and finding myself really wanting to capture the memories on layouts- whether i have photos from it or not. things i enjoyed, my favorite clothes, elementary-highschool, summer vacation memories, etc. with my son growing so fast he will be in school before i know it (in 2 years! eek!) i would really like to have my school years documented in some way.
3. princess party albums!
i dont think ive ever mentioned on the young scrappers thread but last april for my birthday (after a solid year of planning) 3 of my BFFs flew in and joined myself and other BFFs here in town and we had an ELABORATE Disney Princess themed party. we all wore costumes (i was Jasmine, Heather was Belle, Britty was Cinderella, Taylor was Tinkerbell, Tina was Snow White, J was Aladdin and our son was Dopey) we decorated the living room like a ballroom, had a castle cake made, had food, great drinks, i made princess dress shadowboxes, the works. the night before i hosted an all *PINK* baking party, again i decorated the house within an inch of its life (all pink) we all wore pink, maked xrated cocktails, and baked a dozen or so cupcakes each, each decoarted as our particular Princess.
they were in town for 5 days or so and needless to say we took HUNDREDS of pictures of each party, of each diff Princess themed outfit we wore, shopping at Tiffanys and Juicy, we even exchanged massive Princess goodie/SWAG bags. for xmas all last year i got each girl TONS of the great Jolee's stickers of their princess. i got Heather and myself the 12x12 pink album with all the princesses on it and Britty the 8x8 pink album with the Cinderella sketch on it.
but heres the deal: Heather and Britty dont scrap.
so ive promised them i will make their albums as i make mine. which THRILLS me, bc i loved the event, i love all the products, i cant wait to play around make each album different for each one of us. but that means printing hundreds of pics 3 times over and really banging this project out! its a big undertaking but im really, very excited for it! (another reason im dying for the [pink] cricut- all the Disney carts!)
heres just a couple of party pics, since i havnt shown my YS girls before:
Me and Taylor (Tinkerbell)

all of my Jasmine presents from my SWAG bag!

so expect to see many a Disney Princess and Little Leigh layout soon on 2peas! :)
happy new year girls!