hello lovelies. one of my "Blog-O-Loutions" for 2012 was to make my blog more ME. not just a scrappy blog, but incorporate all aspects of my life (day to day tidbits, fashion, shopping, etc etc) One of my absolute favorite features I love to read on style blogs are the "Whats in My Bag" photos. So i decided it is something I'd like to begin sharing with my friends & followers. (and it makes a FAB pic of the day for Project Life- wink!)
I LOVE bags. I'm one of those crazy Bag Ladies. I change 'em every 3-4 weeks and I carry everything under the sun around with me at all times. 9x outta 10, I am rocking a suitcase on my shoulder, wink! I only carry clutches when we're going out or a crossbody when we're at a ball game or walking Riverside. (you take your stuff with you on Riverside- haha!)
Currently I'm carrying the torquoise leather Spectator Glam Tote from Coach. This color has my heart. I GASPED when I first saw it. I am HUGE on tags & charms and what-nots, so I clipped a pink Coach glitter watermelon & Coach bejeweled pig charms on it. I stuck one of my classic Barbie key rings in there and tied a piece of pink ribon I liked on there too. Its going to look a like a gypsy bag by the time I'm done ;) Theres no rhyme or reason to any of it. I just like what I like :)
I'm using the grey patent leather Coach capacity wristlet as my wallet currently. I like the sysytem. Its what holds receipts & coupons. Then I have the orchid patent leather Coach card case with my ID, debit & credit cards. thats all. I was OVER carrying all bazillion store-specific cards with me wherever I went. All those stores just have that info on file, they can pull up my account with my phone #. also in there:- patent cupcake makeup bag (see below)- crazy Paperchase camera case- Pottery Barn strawberry cupcake notepad (its like they KNOW me, haha!)- dual ended pink Sharpie (I cannot make it through the day ithout Sharpies.)- pink Hello Kitty pen from Swarovski- Coach Tattersall mini-skinny (I've had this for-freakin-ever and I still love it. its practically vintage- hahaha!)- lemom Icebreakers cube gum (HAVE YOU HAD THIS?!? get some NOW. its like lemonade, oh man)- Pink Chiffon body splash from BBW. (if you follow my Twitter feed, you know I'm currently losing my mind over this scent. I have EVERY SINGLE bit of it. its amazing.)- EOS berry hand lotion (they make the lip balm n the colorful balls [see below] and I love their lotion. cute slim packaging, perfect size for in a bag)
I dumped out my cupcake makeup bag for this pic. something you should know, I am a makeup MAVEN. If shopping for (and wearing) lip gloss,nail polish, scrubs, masks, toners, shadows, blushes, plumpers and peels were an Olympic sport- I would definiely place on the podium, hee. Admittedly, i have A WHOLE LOT. I literally change this bag every single day.
and no. your eyes do not decieve you. there are EIGHT kinds of lip gloss in there today. bc I am ridiculous. and an addict- hahaha!
- BBW strawberry-infused "Honey Licious" balm. (I've been singing this balm praises for about a week now. it has changed my life. get some!)
- mango Burts Bees
- BBW Aruba Cocunut glitter gloss (oh man. its like a glitterbomb Pina Colada)
- peach SkinnyGirl plumper (best plumper I've ever used. Bethenny knocked it outta park with this line)
- clear SkinnyGirl caffine gloss
- Victorias Secret Strawberry Fizz Beauty Rush
- EOS Starwberry (cuest balm packaging ever)
- BBW BubbleMint Menta-Shine (FAAAAAB!)
- L'Oreal Flexilash (or something. i dunno what its called- haha)
- Visine for contacts (my contacts pick fights with me on a daily basis- I constanly need drops)
- Butter "Henley Regatta" polish for touch ups today
- Bare Minerals Mineral Veil compact. (w/o exaggeration, this changed my life. I used to carry a pot of Mineral Veil & a brush everywhere until this fall whem BM *finally* created a compact. its perfect. the coverage is fabulous. I recommend it whole heartedly)
well thats this month :)
as always, thank you for stopping by!