i love fall. the weather. the fashion- boots, trench coats, pea coats, tights in every color. pumpkin candles. long fall walks. the foilage. pumpkin flavored EVERYTHING. something about hot tea and studying makes the whole college experience feel totally, perfectly collegiate. and my very favorite places to head off to this time of year: williams sonoma, pottery barn kids and pottery barn. SIGH.
although i LOVE to plan seasons/holidays in advance in my head (wardrobes, presents, decorations, events of the season, and so on) i like to experience the seasons/holidays thoroughly, as its own. so for me, October is all halloween. then come November i get hit fully by the fall bug. i love to decoarte the house with leaves, scarecrows, hay, the whole she-bang. then come Black Friday i'm in full time christmas mode.
although i LOVE to plan seasons/holidays in advance in my head (wardrobes, presents, decorations, events of the season, and so on) i like to experience the seasons/holidays thoroughly, as its own. so for me, October is all halloween. then come November i get hit fully by the fall bug. i love to decoarte the house with leaves, scarecrows, hay, the whole she-bang. then come Black Friday i'm in full time christmas mode.
- i've caught my regular, like clockwork "November in NYC" travel bug. bless Heathers heart for putting up with me.
- looking so, so forward for a week outta town around thanksgiving. shopping, eating out, crafting, seeing my BFF. i'm putting together a great thanksgiving meal and fun decorations. i so live for the holidays.
- i'm shopping for amazing fall pieces for myself and a whole fall wardrobe for CRL. which i L-O-V-E to do. aiee!
- looking so, so forward for a week outta town around thanksgiving. shopping, eating out, crafting, seeing my BFF. i'm putting together a great thanksgiving meal and fun decorations. i so live for the holidays.
- i'm shopping for amazing fall pieces for myself and a whole fall wardrobe for CRL. which i L-O-V-E to do. aiee!
- i'm on a MISSION to find all of the new "vintage findings" halloween, fall, winter, christmas kits. Michaels better watch out.

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